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Guide Building a Product from Scratch Step by Step

building a product hardware

How do you make a product from scratch?

According to the assessment of Gem Global Report, annually in the world, there are more than 100 million start-ups, while 95% of them die.

There may be many reasons, but one of them is the presence of already existing large business brands. In almost any niche, domestic startups already have large customer competition with a “name” and regular customers.

It is not surprising that many start-up companies are afraid to enter the market with a good idea, and those who take risks often fail to keep up with the competition.

Nobody wants to create a generic, unoriginal product idea. To succeed, you have to stand out and come up with something that is not "like everyone else."

Product Development Model Steps

To begin with, let's figure out what approach is required to create a product consists of. It's a rather convoluted process.

  1. Search and synthesizing ideas.
  2. Development.
  3. Testing and design improvement.
  4. The startup, user response tracking, and restart.

The core of the businesses is your customers' budget problems and solutions. Similarly, how can you see customer success being a CEO?

In order to get an idea of a successful product, make sure to define these two characteristics of the target audience. The hard, painstaking, and unforgiving work of identifying problems and solutions ensures that you uncover needs that your competitors have missed.

An unsuccessful (weak) product is one that is not sold at any platform successfully. And it is not sold not because sellers and marketers do not work well, but because this product is not needed by anyone. We can say it doesn't have good features, materials, or both. Simultaneously, we can say, there are a very little number of customer available who want to use it.

It does not solve the problems of customers and users, and sometimes it also creates new problems. Such a business is not capable of enriching its creator and those who are involved in its development, production, and promotion.

Companies that produce and sell weak products pay a lot of attention to changing, training, motivating sellers, spend a lot of money on promotion, while this practice does not affect actual sales.

One of the signs of an unsuccessful business is when its creator cannot clearly explain for whom it (the product) was made. Here, such formulations are usually used - for women (or men) with an average income, living in an average city, having an average apartment, who value comfort ...

A strong business provides a product that sells itself. Often, the phenomenon of strong products is that they are sold in spite of weak salespeople and marketers. Why is this happening? Because strong products solve the existing problems and pains of its customers and users - through which it sells and enriches its creators, manufacturers, and distributors.

Why a startup is important to start well for better product development?

The reasons 3 out of 4 startups fail are different, but often boil down to the following:

  • The company develops products for a non-existent market (insufficient demand)
  • Leaders do not know how to manage cash flow, for example, they use a non-working income model
  • The company does not adapt to changes in the market
  • The project is not growing fast enough
  • Founder burns out at work

There are a lot of opinions about here, but an interesting fact is that insufficient attention is paid already at the very beginning of creating a startup.

The success of a startup often hinges on five key questions that must be answered before starting a company:
  1. What is the specific line of business for your company?
  2. What kind of problem are you trying to solve?
  3. What market are you entering?
  4. What product do you suggest to solve the problem?
  5. What is the economic calculation for your business model?

Your first steps may determine whether your business is valued at millions of dollars or whether you are just another 90% startup that no one remembers.

How do I start making a product?

For many entrepreneurs involved in the creation of their own production, the sore point is how to bring a product to the market? Before my eyes is an example of large corporations that spend millions of dollars on TV commercials, banners, and other noticeable advertising media.

Therefore, production scares off new entrepreneurs, because not everyone has the financial resources for such global competition.

What Should You Consider Before Buying Building Hardware?

Whether you are building a custom home or renovating one, choosing building hardware can be overwhelming.

The materials you choose will have ramifications on durability, longevity, and cost. Above all, you will be using the hardware for years to come; better choose carefully.

Ideally, your chosen hardware should be robust, low-maintenance, and cost-effective, but there is a lot more that you need to consider before finalizing your building material.

The first step in choosing your hardware is to understand your goals and needs. Your goals and needs help understand the features your desired hardware should have.

Ideally, it would help if you considered the following factors before choosing hardware.

Cost and Life 

Whether you are building your own home or for a client, you would ideally consider choosing inexpensive parts. However, inexpensive building materials are not always a good fit;

they require time to time maintenance or early replacement. This is why you should also consider life expectancy along with the material cost.

Moreover, the replacement cost of some hardware is expensive; frequent replacements can be too costly. So you should choose a material that does not need to be replaced for a long time and is cost-effective too.

Energy Efficient

Some materials are inexpensive and have a long life, but they incline the building's energy demand. Choosing such material leads to higher energy bills, leading to a long-term expense.

For example, low-quality ceiling insulation hardware might not resist heat enough; excessive hardware heating can enhance air conditioner usage.

Similarly, if the hardware is not good enough to insulate in winters, it might enhance the heating requirements.

If you are going to buy a hardware building for insulation, make sure it is insulation capacity is good enough.

Durability and Strength

The hardware installed in places prone to harsh conditions must be robust enough to resist atmospheric conditions. For example, the hardware used in heating systems is prone to rust and corrosion; inexpensive materials often deteriorate before time.

Similarly, some hardware equipment remains in frequent use, which lowers their performance and life. In such places, highly durable and robust items must be robust enough to bear mechanical stress and function for a long.

Choosing hardware designed to withstand severe conditions and does not degrade soon also increases the durability of parts assembled with your hardware.

Availability and Sourcing

The hardware available in the market varies from region to region. You might not want to choose a material online that is not available in your area, or its sourcing is too expensive.

For example, choosing something available in another city or country and the shipment cost is costly. Check out the available resources and choose a model that fits your requirements well and is easily sourceable.

Choosing a suitable part from the ones available at your local stores is always the most cost-effective method. However, if you reside in a region with limited hardware supplies, you might have to buy it from other regions.

Ease of Maintenence

As technology is advancing, the industries are innovating hardware equipment. Various kinds of equipment require no or very little maintenance, whereas their earlier versions needed frequent maintenance. Take a look at your options and see if you have a maintenance-free option? Choosing maintenance-free equipment will save you both time and cost.


Modern hardware equipment is designed to offer technical utilities and add elegance to your home. However, there is always a variety, and you can always choose between different parts.

Apart from the hardware's technical aspects, consider materials that are appealing and fit well with the surroundings. Once installed in the building,

the hardware remains in operational for a long time; choose one that looks nice and appeals to you.

Safety Features

Make sure that your hardware has been designed according to safety features. The hardware manufacturers are enforced to comply with specific safety standards that help make buildings more safe.

Some hardware parts are technically suitable and work well, but they might have sharp edges or parts with no covering.

Ensure you do not choose any such parts since they can be unsafe, especially if you have children at home.


If you choose hardware that has to be installed in a place prone to fire, choose fire-resistant hardware. If you are installing hardware around your grilling range or heating system, it should be fire-resistant. Inflamablability or low thermal properties can degrade or burn your hardware.

It is recommended not to install plastic or wood hardware in such places; metallic hardware parts are more suitable.


If the hardware has to be installed in a humid environment, then consider buying humidity-resistant hardware. Not all hardware parts are designed to stand moisture, and often, hardware equipment corrodes with time.

For example, the plumbing equipment connected with your heating system is vulnerable to corrosion. Metallic hardware deteriorates more in the presence of moisture, whereas plastic hardware is not affected. Similarly, many other materials are humidity-resistant.

New Design

If you are going to buy a part, make sure the design is not too old. Often time, the hardware equipment supply for the old designs is replaced with new designs.

Choosing a design that might vanish from the market in the next few months or years might lead to problems. For example, if your curtain clips have an old design and need to be replaced after a few years, you might not find the same design.

In such cases, you will have to replace the whole equipment (not just the clips). This is why using an old design can lead to unnecessary replacement in the future. Always ensure that you install hardware that will be available in the market for a considerable time.

Renewable and Sustainability

Global warming and the factors leading to it are evident to all. As many materials do not decompose and contribute to pollution, or their production is toxic to nature, it is recommended to consider environmentally-friendly hardware.

Some materials such as plastics are not environment-friendly; their production involves the emission of harmful gases, and the plastics do not degrade quickly. Consider buying non-plastic hardware where possible.

Apart from plastics, there are various kinds of not environment-friendly materials; make sure you do not select one. Choosing a recyclable or renewable material will contribute towards the great cause.


Each hardware is designed for a particular application and specifications. Carefully analyze the specifications that you need; choose hardware that is compatible with your requirements.

The best way to do it is to study suitable hardware parts specifications and choose one that matches your requirements.

Product prototyping

When developing a new product, it is always necessary for designers to create prototypes and test the design. A prototype is an approximate representation of one or more aspects of a product of interest.

Prototypes can be physical or analytical. Physical prototypes are usually better suited for demonstration and exchange of information, they are necessary for the detection of contingencies. Analytical prototypes are more flexible than physical prototypes.

Prototyping can reduce investor's problems. Because the early version helps you get the whole framework design in the very beginning. Furthermore, if you start building a product without proposing customer experience about typical things, you wouldn't be able to find a way out. the risk of costly operations and speed up other development steps.

Technologies of 3D computer modeling and synthesis of volumetric models can significantly reduce the cost and mistakes of prototype and the time required to create them.

How to get a product made?

As a rule, at the initial stage, a product is an idea that came from an entrepreneur to build a product, and he wants to understand how to implement its solution. Moreover, professional entrepreneurs work hard on concepts. They infuse their experience to attract maximum investors and customers.

In addition, he calculates the cost of a prototype. This is the reason for any founder to take steps towards learning services according to customer feedback, and opinions expressed it. But few people ask the question, which product will be competitive and which potential customers will buy. So, the formation of a product has several stages:

  • Competitor research gaps
  • Search for technology trends
  • Describe your product prototype vision
  • Target audience research
  • Product formation

Stage 1. Analysis of competitor

A very big request, please do not include your product in the comparative analysis first. To compare competitors, you first need to choose them. We make the choice according to the following principles:

  • To a territorial one, when a client has several points of sale in easy accessibility, he will easily choose among them.
  • Informative - mention of the company in the media like google, magazine, Twitter, and YouTube
  • The volume and level of the market occupied by the project company
  • On-line is a choice based on competition for search word resources.

Of all the company names, select the ones that overlap most often on these criteria and leave 8-10.

The next step for competitor analysis is to select the criteria for evaluating the product.

The criteria are grouped together in different ways:

  • Products/service physical parameters
  • Service - warranty, delivery, service, and others.
  • Team
  • Price
  • Point of sale
  • Sales features tools
  • Social media representations (google etc.)
  • Developing beta tools
  • Website view
  • Company positioning - as a rule, this is a slogan or the first sentence in the section of the website about the business.
  • Sales channels used by the company website
  • Communication channels used by the company web posts
  • PR - Is there anything relevant to publications in the press about the business.

After analyzing competitors, it is desirable to display the average figures for each item. These indicators will be the minimum competitive product interaction that the market perceives at the time of the analysis.

Stage 2. Formation of product properties through the search for technology trends

It is advisable to pass this stage by analyzing the markets of the countries where the industry you want to enter as a company is the world's leader.

What we are looking for in these countries - industry reviews, case studies, main trends, and also research the sites of market leaders and see what chips we can take for our product.

The main principle is not to criticize any options, but to form a list of inventor ideas and innovations as well as mistakes. After that, it is advisable to analyze them and lay them down as questions for qualitative and later quantitative research.

Stage 3. Form the properties of the product that you have come up with.

There are no standards or technologies that help people in the presentation, so how did you come up with and describe the health of your potential product.

Being an entrepreneur, you must search for success tools that work hard in business. For this, you can try a different versions to collect data. but make sure that you are not violating any company's rights.

Stage 4. Conducting research on the product

To do this, ideally, you need to select your potential audience and conduct two stages of research - qualitative, where you can talk to everyone in the form of an individual interview or in a focus group. The main thing here is to explain which product you see, what properties it may still carry.

Then - to look at the reaction and the main questions of customer success. This will help in the future plenty in promoting and explaining the main nuances in using the product and its properties.

In addition, you need to make a questionnaire and conduct a survey of at least 56 potential customers.

As a result, you will receive data that will show you with a probability of 80% which products the market will perceive and in which properties of the product you can risk, as they are perceived by consumers after the explanation.

Stage 5. Formation of the main properties of the product.

To form the main properties of future products, add your product to the table with competitors and describe its properties, taking into account the research results, and verified hypotheses.

In this format, it includes three layers of author information:

  • The first layer is products that are compared with competitors, and you have already received the minimum set of properties that must be in order for you to withstand the competition in the market to avoid any mistake.
  • The second layer is the ideas that you can bring to the business from the most developed markets.
  • The third layer is what kind of product customers want and what products they are ready for, you got this on the basis of quantitative and qualitative research.

How to improve corporate reputation and increase shareholder value?

Maintaining a good reputation is a priority for those who aim to achieve a higher number of sales and expand the business.

It is necessary to make your business not only known to more people but to make them speak well of your enterprise. I will share some of the practical tips in this article.

Most large organizations invest a lot in building not only their reputation but their position and relationship with all stakeholders.

The construction of a positive image has to be done gradually. Remember! building positive feedback with your partners, and customers should be the best part of your services.

We have separated three simple steps for you to structure a good action plan:

Daily life

Be true, honest, and positive at all times in your daily life. When there are recurring complaints from customers or employees on social networks, hardly anyone will speak well of your business. If there is a reason, they will not weigh words to criticize you on these channels.

Action plan

Make a list of your main audiences and create a quick action plan for weekly action things. Start with customers, employees, and the community.


Take time to periodically evaluate the results, listen to people's conversations, thank, and respond cordially to comments. With that, you have a chance to receive very positive returns.

To facilitate your hectic daily life, we have gathered the three main actions to start a positive relationship with your audiences:


Create a closed Facebook group to praise positive attitudes, tweaking news before launches, and send motivational messages. Corporate social networks still exist today with specific tools for these interactions.


Invest in good service on social networks. Monitor what your brand is talking about and join the conversation. If there is any negative message, try to understand the reason and act! A kind message, a phone call or even an invitation to get to know the company can reverse the problem. Don't forget to also appreciate who is speaking well of your image!

Digital community

Offer something of value to that audience. It can be a video or e-book that teaches how to use your product or service better. This is a strong strategy to attract more people to your page.

Furthermore, you can apply the following tips to excite your entrepreneur experience:

  • Build a swift website. the role of a designer is crucial here
  • write your contact email address on the front
  • Post Informative article videos
  • Publish helpful articles
  • Provide money-saving options
  • Hold constant social media representation. it can be in the form of a short video.

The foundation of these strategies is to ensure customer success valuable content to increase the number of stakeholders, create connections and relationships with them. Thus, you will be able to measure what works best for your company and choose what to invest in.


It is clear that after the creation of a product in the understanding of marketing, its technical implementation takes place. The main thing in the process of analysis and survey is to put in the information that you will need at the stages of the service of forming sales channels, communication, as well as further development of the business and the company. Thus, you have a ready-made mechanism for working with the product, we have described to you the most authentic way to get success in any startup.

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